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25 Best Recipes of the Decade

The Top Healthy, Easy Recipes from Our First 10 Years

~ Time for a celebration! It’s our 10th anniversary of sharing our favorite easy, healthy recipes with millions of readers and loyal fans (yes, that means you!). In honor of the occasion, we’ve compiled a list of the top 25 most popular, very best recipes from the entire decade. So, did your faves make the list? And which must-try recipes did you miss along the way?? ~

Collage of 4 photos with text reading "25 Best Recipes of the Decade".

Ten years ago, my dear friend Gretchen and I pushed “PUBLISH” on our very first recipe. (Which, BTW, clocks in at #10 on our list below – it’s a superstar fan favorite that’s stood the test of time!)

Then, I’m certain we squealed and jumped around her kitchen. Felt excited and a smidge terrified all at once. And popped some champagne, even though it was the middle of the day and we weren’t actually going to drink more than a sip or two. (Because now we REALLY had work to do!!)

Two different women's hands using index fingers together to hit the return / enter key on a Mac laptop keyboard.

We’d already worked so hard, though, just to get to that moment.

In fact, our new little site had been over six months in the making by that point – because we wanted to get it all absolutely right before we sent our first recipe out into the world to you.

Getting Recipes Absolutely Right … for You

A lot has changed since that first excited-nervous-OMG-we’re-actually-doing-this day.

And a lot has stayed very much the same.

Mainly, we still work exhaustively to make sure we get our recipes absolutely right for you. To be sure that you’ll love them as much as we do. And that you’ll have all the handy tips and tricks we learned as we tested, tested and re-tested every single one.

Now, more than ever before, it’s important to know you can trust a recipe you want to try.

The Internet is crowded with recipe-babble, including plenty of recipes that nobody actually ever tested at all. Or that some start-up website bought in bulk. Or that somebody flat-out stole, without ever checking to see if the recipe was any good.

Small wonder that, so many times, they don’t turn out like they should.

Over an entire decade, our mission has remained unwavering and crystal clear: To bring you fully tested (by us!), tried-and-true recipes you can rely on.

  • Recipes that are easy enough to fit into your busy, go-go-go lifestyle.
  • That are healthy enough that you can actually feel good about sharing them with people you love.
  • And … most of all … recipes that taste delicious!

It’s a Lot to Celebrate!

Cheers to 10 wonderful years together, my friends!

There’s so much to celebrate. So many delicious ideas we’ve shared throughout the last 10 years. Literally hundreds of recipes that we truly love (and that now you do, too).

But I’ve picked just 25. Which was hard, since that leaves out so many, many really great ones … but I had to draw the line somewhere!

So, out of the hundreds we’ve published over the last decade, here are the 25 blockbusters … the very best recipes that’ve topped the charts …..

25 Best Recipes of the Decade

So Which One Are You Trying Next?

Did your all-time favorite recipe make the list?

And which ones made you think, “How did I miss making THAT one?? That’s going straight onto my grocery list!”?

I hope you discovered at least a few new, must-try recipe ideas!

But I’ve actually still got even more inspiration for ya …

Top Recipe Collections

In addition to sharing individual recipes, we often compile recipe showcase collections to help you find the exact kinds of recipes you’re looking for, whether that’s on our own site or on other great food blogs.

Several of our recipe showcases were actually nestled amongst the Top 25. Here are the three most popular:

Top Educational and Info Posts

And, besides publishing helpful tips along with each recipe, we also have articles on various cooking techniques, nutritional strategies, ingredients and equipment.

Here are the informational articles you guys found most helpful:

The Very BEST Recipes for the Very BEST Readers! (That’s You!)

Warning: here’s where it gets a little mushy …

Because, as I look back on the last 10 years, I’m just so filled with gratitude and joy. This website has been a huge part of my life and given me so much more than I ever could have imagined.

But, exhaustively testing and re-testing recipes would be pointless without having all of you to share the results with.

Thank you for being here, every step of the way.

From that first moment when my best friend, Gretchen, and I breathed life into our new creation …

Collage of 3 photos of Shelley and Gretchen during the first two and a half years they worked together on this website.

… to helping me say goodbye when she left Two Healthy Kitchens 2½ years later, so she could pursue her dreams of becoming a teacher (she’s an AWESOME one, BTW!) …

… to helping me face the challenge of running this website without her, and welcoming my kids and husband as integral players – each helping with recipe testing and development, photo shoots, videos, social media, and even writing their own recipe posts.

My kiddos grew up right alongside this website, and it became a part of their lives, as well.

Collage of 4 photos showing a boy and a girl cooking different things.

To say it’s been a labor of love is such a huge cliché … but also so very true.

What began as essentially a hobby for me became a viable career – and my dream job.

And also, through the years, an inseparable part of our identity as a family.

Collage of four family photos through the years as the kids grew up.

But none of that would be possible or worthwhile without each of you.

Thank you, from the bottom of my heart, for being a part of this journey with us. Thank you for trusting us with your meals and your memories.

I can’t wait to see what the next 10 years will bring, and I hope that you’ll all be along for the ride.

From OUR Healthy Kitchen … to YOURS. Cheers to the first 10 amazing years, and to all the many years to come!

Square collage of four recipes with text overlay "25 Best Recipes of the Decade" with 5 little gold stars.

More of Our Very BEST Recipes

For a complete breakdown of the most popular recipes from every single year, check out our annual Best Recipes Collections:

~ by Shelley

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  1. The Christmas salad is hands down my favorite! The vibrant colors and festive flavors make it a must-have for our holiday gatherings. It’s like a celebration on a plate, and I look forward to it every year. Thanks for this delightful recipe!” 🎄🥗😋

    1. This makes me so happy, Kate! That Christmas Salad is absolutely one of my go-to holiday recipes, year after year after year. I’m delighted to know that it’s such a favorite for you and your family, too! Thanks you for taking a moment to leave such a lovely message – I truly appreciate it! (And Merry {early} Christmas!) 🎄🎄🎄 ~Shelley

  2. Wow! Your ten year journey went by so very quickly. Having the opportunity to taste test and even to take home small containers of many of these recipes was great fun.
    Congratulations to you and to Scott, Amy and Ty.