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Frequently Asked Questions (and More!)


Frequently Asked Questions

Are all of your recipes created by you in your healthy kitchen?

For over a decade, we’ve taken pride in providing you with rigorously tested recipes that we make (again and again … and again!) in our own home kitchen, for our own family.

Our readers trust us to provide tried-and-true recipes that are easy, nutritious and delicious. Recipes that our family loves … and that our readers can feel confident their families will, too.

Many of our recipes are family favorites we’ve been making for years. Some are new creations we dream up, since we also love to experiment and try new things in the kitchen.

And sometimes, our ideas are inspired by another blog or cookbook. When that’s the case, we’ll gladly provide attribution and a linkback to the original source when we can. We realize there are only so many ingredients, and only so many ways to combine them. So, you very well may see other recipes “out there” that are somehow similar to ours – that’s unavoidable. But, rest assured that we will always give credit where it’s due, and provide appropriate attribution for recipes inspired by and adapted from other sources.

In an online world full of AI-generated content, “stolen” recipes, and recipes that nobody even bothers to test … you can rely on Two Healthy Kitchens to bring you recipes that WE test, that WE love, and that WE stand behind!

Can you feature one of my recipes or healthy tips on your blog?

We love trying new recipes! Please feel free to e-mail us at info@twohealthykitchens.com with your favorite recipe or healthy eating tip. If we love it as much as you do, we may just feature you and your idea on our site!

Do you accept products and books for review?

Well, sometimes. We adore cookbooks and always enjoy trying out new kitchen gadgets and specialty products, but, as you can imagine, we only have room in our hearts and our homes for the very best. And, we’d only want to recommend the very best to our readers. If you have something you’d like us to consider, contact us at info@twohealthykitchens.com. If we like your proposal, we’ll tell you how to forward your product to us for consideration.

Are you available for speaking engagements, cooking demonstrations, or to give some personal advice on my family’s meals?

We sure are! Contact us at info@twohealthykitchens.com.

Where do you get your fabulous food photos?

Except as specified, all of our photography is our own and is the copyrighted property of Two Healthy Kitchens. For more information, please refer to our full Terms and Conditions HERE.


Please Don’t Steal Our Hard Work!

We love eating healthfully and sharing nutritious recipes with others – after all, that’s why we started our blog!

We hope that you’ll love our recipes as much as we do, and that you’ll want to share them with others, as well.

Please just remember that we spend untold hours developing our recipes, researching information, writing and editing our posts, and then staging, shooting and editing our photos. They’re precious to us, and they’re protected by copyright law. Even sharing our work on social media sites like Facebook, Pinterest, and Twitter, without attributing back or linking back to us means that you’re not honoring our work and its protections. (Of course, sharing our Two Healthy Kitchens recipes on social media with a direct link back to us is beyond fantastic, and we absolutely welcome and encourage you to do that … A LOT!)

We hope that you’ll be respectful of our hard work and its copyright protections, and we kindly ask that:

– You don’t ever use our photos or recipes without attribution, nor in a way that diverts traffic from our blog.
– You never reprint one of our photos and the accompanying recipe together.
– If you’d like to repost our recipe, please give us full attribution, with a do-follow link back to the original recipe on our site, in both the post text as well as at the recipe card. We also ask that you take your own photos and write your own method in your own words.

We welcome you to select a single photo from one of our posts and use it on your own blog, with prominently displayed, full credit to us and a do-follow link back to www.twohealthykitchens for the complete recipe. We do, however, reserve the right to ask you to remove our photo from your site if we feel that it is being used in an inappropriate manner.

If you’re not sure or have questions, please just ask us! We’re excited to work through any questions you may have so that we can all enjoy delicious, healthy food and great recipes!

For more information, please refer to our full Terms and Conditions HERE.


Errors and Ommissions

The website owner and/or authors are not liable for any errors or omissions on this site. While we do thoroughly and repeatedly test recipes and stringently edit the text and recipe cards, errors can still happen. Further, website users are responsible for conducting their own research and due diligence where appropriate. For more information, please refer to our full Terms and Conditions HERE.


Comments Policy

Our goal is to make our comments section fun and enlightening for everyone, so we ask that all comments be helpful and respectful. Remember – this blog is a family-friendly adventure. Negative or derogatory comments aren’t tolerated in our home – or on our blog! If we wouldn’t let the kids read your comment, it likely doesn’t belong here, so please phrase your comments and feedback accordingly. We’re glad you’re joining us on our delicious adventure!

Also, please understand that any comments made by other readers and website users do not represent the views or beliefs of the owner and/or authors.


 Amazon Disclosure Statement

We are a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for us to earn fees by linking to Amazon.com and affiliated sites. As an Amazon Associate we earn from qualifying purchases.


 Your Responsibilities

We aren’t licensed or registered dietitians, nor are we doctors. We’re just a family who enjoys creating nourishing, delicious recipes! Our recipes aren’t designed to address any one specific health problem, dietary restriction, or food allergy.

Nutrition information is provided as a courtesy and should be considered an estimate only. It may vary depending on your choice of ingredients or preparation, and also based upon the Calculator used. You are responsible for verifying all nutrition information.

You’re responsible for researching and understanding your own health and dietary needs, and you assume all risk when reading our blog and trying our recipes and suggestions. We assume no responsibility for allergic reactions or other health concerns that may arise from your use of our blog and its contents. Our recipes and suggestions may not be right for each person or family, depending on your specific health and dietary requirements, food allergies, etc. We always suggest that you consult a licensed practitioner if you have questions or concerns about nutrition, exercise and health.

To read our full Disclaimer statement, click HERE.


Website Accessibility Statement

Two Healthy Kitchens LLC (“company”, “I”, “we” or “us”) is committed to providing all users, including those with disabilities, with full and equal access to our website. We are committed to ensuring international compliance with web accessibility laws and policies, including, but not limited to, the Americans with Disabilities Act (“ADA”), and to improving everyone’s user experience on our website, www.twohealthykitchens.com by implementing the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (“WCAG”), accessibility standards developed in collaboration with individuals and organizations worldwide through the World Wide Web Consortium (“W3C”) process, with the goal of providing a single shared standard for web content accessibility that meets the needs of individuals, organizations, and governments worldwide.

We are making a genuine effort and commitment to follow best practices for ADA compliance, including auditing and testing our website for accessibility. Please be aware that our efforts to meet current WCAG guidelines are ongoing as we incorporate the necessary accessibility improvements to make our website as accessible and user-friendly as possible.

This website is designed to be compatible with assistive technologies as well as the most recent two major browser versions. Some aspects of the website may not display optimally in Internet Explorer 10, 11, or older browsers. The website is not intended for use with Internet Explorer 9 or earlier versions.


We continue to make reasonable efforts to make our website accessible in accordance with standard business practices; however, if you believe that some content, features, or processes could be improved, we welcome your feedback. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact us at info@twohealthykitchens.com.


Privacy Policy

Two Healthy Kitchens LLC is dedicated to respecting the privacy of your personal information. Click HERE to read the Privacy Policy, which describes what information is collected from you on www.twohealthykitchens.com and how it is used.