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Healthy Yogurt Parfait Party Snacks

~ From kids’ parties and playgroups to office brunch meetings and bridal showers … this is the fun, delicious, HEALTHY snack everyone will love! Your breakfast yogurt parfaits are getting a little crazy today … and heading out to parrrr-tay! ~

This Recipe Is:     Ready in 30 Minutes or Less    Vegetarian  

Healthy Yogurt Parfait Party Snacks Recipe {TwoHealthyKitchens.com}

Today, we’re getting all dressed up and going to a party! Yay!

Well … ok, honestly … it’s the middle of summer here in Ohio, so we’re actually both gonna be pulling on shorts and flip-flops (our warm-weather, minivan-chauffeur outfits).

But, let’s just pretend for a moment. Go with us on this, ok?

We’re taking our beloved fruit and granola yogurt parfaits and kickin’ them into full party mode!

Don’t get me wrong. Gretchen and I both loooove yogurt parfaits for breakfast. Kinda near and dear to our hearts, actually.

Healthy Yogurt Parfait Party Snacks Recipe {TwoHealthyKitchens.com}

You might remember that Disney is Gretchen’s favorite place on Earth (ever). The resort where she and her family stay has a Disney-style (as in, over-the-top awesome in every way) yogurt parfait bar at breakfast each morning. That’s how they fuel up for their full-on-attack of Mickey in all his splendor … loads of fiber, protein and antioxidants to keep them powered up through the Teacups to Space Mountain! So yogurt parfaits are sort of intrinsically linked to all things wonderful (and Mickey-fied), at least as far as Gretchen’s concerned!

And me? Well, when my twins were little, I used to set up their tiny, brightly-colored kids’ table out on our shady wrap-around front porch. In the mornings, we’d call that “Mommy’s Cafe,” and I’d do my best diner-waitress act while they giggled and ordered up loads of fresh summer fruit, “cheesy egg omelets” or (you guessed it!) design-your-own yogurt parfaits! *Sigh* I loved those mornings! (And the kids loved the parfaits, let me tell ya!)

Healthy Yogurt Parfait Party Snacks Recipe {TwoHealthyKitchens.com}

So yes … by all means … fruit and yogurt parfaits are still awesome for breakfast! You’re with us on that, right?

And after-school snacks? They’re da bomb!

But today we’re taking them one step further. These beauties are ready to parrrr-tay!

A few months ago, one of our dear friends, Kristen, mentioned that she’d recently had a make-your-own yogurt parfait bar at her daughter’s party … and the kids went crazy for it! And all the moms were like “Whoa! … Brilliant!”

Gretchen had this idea as a fun THK activity to photograph for summer (we love to incorporate our kiddos whenever we can!), and once we heard how popular it was at our friend’s party … it went on the editorial calendar. In pen!

We knew this was an idea we just had to share!

Healthy Yogurt Parfait Party Snacks Recipe {TwoHealthyKitchens.com}

It’s incredibly simple, yet looks so enticingly fun (and tastes fantastic!).

Just supply lots of yogurt (our favorite is protein-rich vanilla Greek yogurt, but you could offer a variety of flavors). Then, lay out pretty bowls with an alluring variety of fresh (or dried) fruits, granola (we love our super-easy Healthy Applesauce Granola), nuts, coconut … whatever you happen to have on hand.

It’s the traditional ice cream sundae bar … on a delicious health kick!

Kids love the control and creativity of building their yummy masterpieces … it’s a super-fun party activity and a snack all in one!

The possibilities are endless!

Healthy Yogurt Parfait Party Snacks Recipe {TwoHealthyKitchens.com}

You could set this out for a birthday party snack. (And hint, hint … if you’re hosting a slumber party, this beats the heck out of chocolate-laden, sugar-filled ice cream bars when it comes to the odds that the kiddos may actually fall asleep later! Never mind that there’s no full-fat ice cream, no chocolate syrup, no nonpareil jimmy sprinkles … the kids won’t care a bit … and you just might get some sleep! )

It’s also a great playgroup snack (the moms will be sooooo thrilled to dig in, too!), and a fun, interactive, keep-em-busy-a-little-longer school party treat!

Oh … and are you in that mid-summer “Mom, I’m bored” place? Psssst … here’s a project and a snack all in one! Should give you at least a few minutes before you hear “Mooooooommmmmmm! I’m boooooooorrrrred!” again!

Don’t have kids? This is still for you!

Picture yourself being the office hero du jour when you bring the fixin’s for yogurt parfaits to your next early-morning business meeting. Imagine the productivity and joy when your entire company avoids the mid-morning doughnuts-and-bagels slump!

Healthy Yogurt Parfait Party Snacks Recipe {TwoHealthyKitchens.com}
Our kids couldn’t wait to dig in! Especially Gretchen’s little one … she asked repeatedly when she could have a parfait! And when it was finally time to eat (after all the photos were taken, of course!) … she was the first through the line! The kids had a fantastic snack … and then had lots of energy to play the rest of the afternoon!

And how about a lovely ladies’ luncheon, a quaint baby shower, or even a PTO treat for the teaching staff? Trust us … make-your-own yogurt parfaits are perfect! (They dress up so nicely!) It’s an interactive, social event just making them!

So yes … keep right on having yogurt parfaits for breakfast! We sure will!

But don’t forget that they love to wear party clothes, too!

Next time you’re pulling on a little black dress (or … ummmmm … maybe a Cinderella ball gown as you head to the first-grade Halloween party), don’t forget to bring these along, too!

They’ll be the life of the party, no doubt!

Looking for More Fun, Interactive Kids’ Recipes? Check Out Our:

Healthy Yogurt Parfait Party Snacks

Healthy Yogurt Parfait Party Snacks

Yield: varies
Prep Time: 10 minutes
Total Time: 10 minutes

From kids' parties and playgroups to office brunch meetings and bridal showers ... this is the fun, delicious and HEALTHY snack everyone will love!

  Ready in 30 Minutes or Less    Vegetarian  


  • Yogurt (we recommend nonfat vanilla Greek yogurt, but you can offer a variety of flavors)
  • Fresh fruit such as: bananas, berries, peaches, or nectarines
  • Dried fruit such as: raisins, chopped dates, pineapple, cranberries, and cherries
  • Nuts such as: sliced or slivered almonds, chopped pecans, or walnuts
  • Coconut
  • Granola (we recommend our Easy, Healthy Applesauce Granola)
  • Chia seeds or ground flaxseed meal
  • Honey or maple syrup for drizzling


  1. To set out a yogurt parfait bar: Offer a large dish of yogurt (or several dishes of various flavors), as well as dishes of fresh fruits, dried fruits, nuts, coconut, granola, chia or flax, honey or maple syrup, etc. Also set out spoons and small dessert cups, bowls, or parfait glasses.
  2. To build parfaits: Each person can layer yogurt in a bowl or cup, alternating with layers of the other ingredients. Parfaits can be finished with a drizzle of honey or maple syrup, if desired.

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  1. I love the idea of a yogurt bar! Such a versatile and fun idea and sooo much healthier than the sugar laden ice cream bars 🙂 Your applesauce granola looks deee-lish!! 🙂

    I am with Gretchen I LOOOOOVE Disney! When I was a little girl my parents used to load the three of us kids in the back of their toyota corolla and we would drive from Toronto all the way to Florida during March Break! The long drive (24 hours) was always worth it when we got a taste of the Florida sun and got to play around Disney for a week! Epcot was always my favourite!!

    1. Hoooray for Disney!!! It is my most favorite place in the world – I just love it!! We usually fly, but did drive this March while the kids were on spring break. It was a loooong drive (though not 24 hours!) and we decided we’ll probably just fly the next time! 🙂 Epcot is my fave, too! Well … and Hollywood Studios! And Animal Kingdom! And The Magic Kingdom! Ok fine – I love them all!

      Kids just love when they get to make their own food – regardless of it’s ice cream or a parfait bar! So why not give the healthiest option?? And honestly, when we do make ice cream sundaes, my kids usually can’t even finish – too sweet! But … they will gobble up every last bit of yummy fruit and yogurt and granola! 🙂 ~Gretchen