Home » Thanksgiving » Non-Alcoholic Thanksgiving Drinks: Mocktails & More!

Non-Alcoholic Thanksgiving Drinks: Mocktails & More!

~ Non-Alcoholic Thanksgiving Drinks are a great option, since the Turkey Day celebrations tend to go on and on … and on. Even people who like to drink alcohol sometimes appreciate a tasty break in the action. And with these delicious “virgin” beverages, nobody will miss the alcohol at all! ~

Collage of 4 drink recipes with text overlay "10Non-Alcoholic Thanksgiving Drinks • Mocktails & More! •".

From the Macy’s Parade to the Thanksgiving feast to allllll those football games … the Thanksgiving festivities really do stretch for hours upon hours.

Now, don’t get me wrong … in my opinion, that’s a very, very good thing. The more festive-ness you can cram into one day, the better!

But, when it comes to beverage options, you’ve gotta think beyond the standard beer, wine and cocktails if everybody’s gonna make it through in one piece.

Plus, since a huge portion of my extended family prefers not to drink alcohol, I know how special non-drinkers feel when there’s a celebratory beverage they can enjoy, too!

With all that in mind, I’ve gathered a gorgeous collection of Thanksgiving-perfect drinks.

Full of fall flavors and cozy autumn vibes, they’re a wonderful option to add to your menu – for non-drinkers, kiddos, designated drivers … or just those folks who need to take a hydrating break between beers.

Happy Thanksgiving, everyone! Cheers to you and yours!

Thanksgiving Mocktails

~ by Shelley

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