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Join Us in the Fight Against Hunger! {And Win a Free Cookbook!}

We’re beyond-thrilled to share some BIG news with you! HUGE!

Yep! We’re over-the-moon to tell you that we’ve been featured in a cookbook!

But not just any cookbook … a cookbook with a cause!

We’re so honored to have been invited to join a group of top bloggers in partnership with Feeding America (a nationwide network of food banks serving every community in the US) in their fight to end hunger in America!

The participating bloggers were asked to create a slow cooker recipe that was relatively simple, affordable and nutritious. And, of course, fantastically delicious!

The recipes were compiled into a gorgeous, seriously mouth-watering cookbook entitled “Where Slow Food & Whole Food Meet – Healthy Slow Cooker Dinners from Our Kitchens to Yours”.

We were truly blown away when we (at-long-last) saw the final cookbook. (You know us … we excitedly texted each other … then texted again … then gave up and just called each other ecstatically …) Seriously, friends – this book is stunning!

Every recipe has a gorgeous, full-color photo and a cost-per-serving breakdown. Plus, there are slow cooker tips, and suggestions for cooking affordably on a budget.

More than 100 gorgeous, foodie-heaven pages, filled with recipes for take-out favorites, Italian, Mexican, and so much more … all for the slow cooker. All delicious.

Join Us in the Fight Against Hunger! {And Win a Free Cookbook!} GIVEAWAY {www.TwoHealthyKitchens.com}

We’re really proud of the recipe we contributed, for Chicken Burrito Bowls … and can’t wait for you to try it! Our families, friends, and neighbors can’t get enough! Honestly … we’ve witnessed that “scraping-the-bottom-of-the-bowl-for-the-last-tiny-bits” phenomenon with this recipe (accompanied by that “my-mouth-is-full-but-I’m-making-yummy-noises-and-asking-for-the-recipe” phenomenon). That good. You’re gonna love it!

Why is the Cookbook Being Released Now?

As you may know, September is Hunger Action Month, a nationwide campaign to mobilize the public to take action in fighting hunger. This cookbook is being released in conjunction with Hunger Action Month, to raise awareness and funding for this important cause, and to encourage people to take action in whatever way they can.

According to Feeding America and the USDA, everyday in America, about 1 in 6 people struggle with hunger, and nearly 16 million of them are children.

As moms, we find that statistic heartbreaking.

We started Two Healthy Kitchens to help people eat more healthfully. But sometimes, at its most basic level, that means simply helping people have enough food to survive, without wondering where they’ll find their next meal.

This is our call to action to you. Because we can make a difference.


And it can start with something as simple as a cookbook.

So, How Can You Help?

Donate. You can donate canned goods or make a monetary donation to a food bank or hunger assistance program near you.

Volunteer. You can even donate your time. In a typical month, nearly 2 million volunteers contribute more than 8.4 million hours of their time to food programs across the Feeding America network. That’s more than 100 million hours of donated labor over the course of a year. Every single one of those volunteers makes a difference.

Advocate. Spread the word and encourage others to join you in taking action. It can be as simple as an inspiring message on Facebook – no matter how big or small, every action counts!

Educate. Read the facts. Then share with others, and change the future!

And the yummiest way to help? 😉 Buy this cookbook! No, really!! We’re hoping this cookbook can make a big difference. And with your help, it can!

Join Us in the Fight Against Hunger! {And Win a Free Cookbook!} GIVEAWAY {www.TwoHealthyKitchens.com}

How This Cookbook Helps

The cookbook is being offered in two ways, both of which benefit the campaign against hunger:

#1) Hard copy versions are being sold on Amazon. Click HEREAll proceeds of the book sold on Amazon will benefit Second Harvest Food Bank of Central Florida. (Oh! And hint … hint … this a great time to plan ahead for those hard-to-buy-for people on your holiday shopping lists!)

#2) Many food banks in the Feeding America network will be giving the digital, ebook version of this cookbook to their online donors as a free gift. (Check with your local food bank to see if they’re participating.)

The Giveaways … Free Stuff for You!

We want to thank all of our readers for supporting THK in our efforts and projects! We also want to encourage everyone to take action against hunger in whatever ways you can! So … as contributors to the cookbook, we get to share the digital ebook with our THK readers as a token of our appreciation, and as an incentive for you to get out there and make a difference!

Simply by subscribing to our Two Healthy Kitchens email distribution list (ya know … that “Get Our Latest Recipes Delivered Right to Your Inbox!” little box in the upper right corner of our site, under the Facebook link!), you’ll not only receive updates of our latest recipes, but you’ll also get a copy of the fabulous ebook delivered straight to your inbox (within a day or two) to download onto your computer or tablet! (Current subscribers … check your email inbox … it should already be there for you!)

But wait … there’s more!

In addition, you can enter to win a FREE hard-copy, print version of the book! (See the giveaway box below.) All of that yummy, slow-cooked gorgeousness … for you! And we’re giving away two copies of the print version, so you’ve got double the chances to win – yay!

And that’s not all …

We’re also going to be giving away a really awesome, programmable Hamilton Beach slow cooker. (Little hint … you might want to check back on Thursday … wink, wink.)

Plus, over the next few weeks, the editors of our cookbook will have some amazing giveaways on their sites as well! (Again … just a little hint that you may want to pop back here on Thursday for exciting details … might want to mark that in bright red on your calendars …)

And that’s STILL not all …

For even more chances to win, you can visit these other phenomenal bloggers to enter their giveaways, too! These ladies are all top-notch bloggers, hand-picked to be among the contributors to this cookbook. They worked really hard coming up with crazy-awesome recipes you’re sure to love … so go check ’em out … and enter to win on their sites, too!

Christine at Cook the Story (co-editor)

Jennifer at Mother Thyme (co-editor)

Carolyn at All Day I Dream About Food

Wendy at Around My Family Table

Angela at Big Bear’s Wife

Pamela at Brooklyn Farm Girl

Kim at Cravings of a Lunatic and Kiss My Smoke

Caroline at Chocolate & Carrots

Faith at Edible Mosaic

Brenda at A Farmgirl’s Dabbles

Taylor at Food Faith Fitness

April at Food n’ Focus

Lauren at Healthy. Delicious.

Jane at Jane’s Adventures in Dinner

Lisa at Je suis alimentageuse

Jeanette at Jeannette’s Healthy Living

Dianna at The Kitchen Prep

Karen at Kitchen Treaty

Julie at The Little Kitchen

Nicole at The Marvelous Misadventures of a Foodie

Renee at Magnolia Days

Jessica at My Baking Heart

Brandy at Nutmeg Nanny

Morgan at Peaches Please

Carrie at Poet in the Pantry

Julie at Savvy Eats

Megan at Stetted

Samantha at Sweet Remedy

Amy at Very Culinary

Nicole at Wonky Wonderful

Jen at Yummy Healthy Easy

And, while we’re at it – we have to give huge, huge props to Jennifer from Mother Thyme and Christine from Cook the Story … the two amazing ladies who made this project happen! As our editors, they kept us all organized (no easy task, we assure you), and did a mind-blowingly fantastic job pulling this whole gorgeous cookbook together. Their blogs have both been among our favorites for a long time, and now we’ve got one more reason to love them! Seriously – go check them out, show them some love … and don’t forget to register to win on their sites, too! 

A Huge Thank-You to Our Sponsors!

To help get the word out about hunger in America and about our cookbook, some generous sponsors have jumped on board.

Together, San Miguel Produce, Grimmway Farms, and Old Oak Farms by RPE Produce are making some big contributions to help end hunger. They’re each contributing food to their local food banks AND they’re making a monetary donation for every print copy of the book that we sell! That’s in addition to the proceeds from the book that are already going to the food bank!

So really, thanks to these great sponsors, when you purchase a book on Amazon, you get a book and you get to help end hunger in America in a big, big way!

Our sponsors have also each put together great prizes for our editors to offer as giveaways, too! (Just one more little reminder to pop back on Thursday to get all the details on MORE giveaways!)

And, our fourth sponsor, Hamilton Beach, has generously offered a beautiful slow cooker for each blog to give away to our readers! (Ahem. Ok … one more time. Thursday. Be here for the details!)

Yep … now you can see why we’re SO excited!

We hope you are, too! Please join us in this effort!

Take action. Make a difference!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

And hey … if you love crock-pot recipes as much as we do, you should also check out:

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