Home » Desserts » 29 Unique and Easy Pumpkin Desserts

29 Unique and Easy Pumpkin Desserts

(Healthy Pumpkin Pie … and Beyond!)

~ A whole collection of easy pumpkin desserts that are also healthy … and have creative and unique twists, too! Delicious ideas to enjoy all throughout fall’s pumpkin season, and definitely during the holidays! We’ve got healthy pumpkin pie for Thanksgiving … and so, so much more! ~

collage of 6 pumpkin dessert recipes, with text overlay "29 Unique & Easy Pumpkin Desserts"

Every fall, the American food scene absolutely lights up with all things PUMPKIN!

People eagerly head to Starbucks for their long-awaited first sip of autumn’s Pumpkin Spice Lattes.

And the Internet is overrun with searches for pumpkin recipes. Pumpkin soups and pumpkin chilispumpkin muffins and breads … and of course … pumpkin desserts

No doubt, everybody needs a perfect pumpkin pie recipe for Thanksgiving!

And there are so many evenings when a lightly spiced pumpkin cookie or a rich slice of pumpkin cake hits exactly the cozy autumn notes we all crave this time of year.

I spent a lot of time sorting through recipes to choose the Easy Pumpkin Desserts featured in my list today – recipes that are not only do-able (seriously – some of these recipes are ready in 5 minutes flat!), but also a little unique. Maybe they’re unique in the ingredients they use, the way they make healthy substitutions, or in the dessert concept itself. Regardless, I wanted them to be something a bit different than the same-old, same-old pumpkin pie! 

And, luckily for those of us who try to strike a balance between desserts that are crazy-delicious, but also healthier too: pumpkin is inherently a really healthy food, so, right from the start, pumpkin desserts have a lot going for them. And, pumpkin has so much moisture that it’s a great way to add moist texture to desserts, often replacing less healthy ingredients like butter or oils. 

Interestingly, nutritious pumpkin also lends itself easily to desserts that just happen to fit into some of today’s most popular diet trends – adapting nimbly into vegetarian and vegan recipes, as well as paleo, dairy free and gluten free diets.

So yep – of course, there are healthier pumpkin pie recipes that made my list (you’re definitely covered if you absolutely have to have pumpkin pie for Thanksgiving). But there’s so much more here, too!

Easy pumpkin desserts for pretty much every occasion, any evening, all throughout the autumn season!

Bottom-line dilemma: with so many great, creative pumpkin dessert recipes to choose from, are you gonna make a pumpkin pie for Thanksgiving? Or, are you gonna branch out into the realm of pumpkin cakes, cheesecakes, and even brownies?

Hey hey – here’s an idea. Don’t choose just one! Why not make a pie … and a cake (or a cheesecake … or some cookies … or a pan of brownies …)?!? 

Fun, Easy Pumpkin Desserts

Happy fall, Happy Thanksgiving … and happy, happy pumpkin season! Enjoy!

square collage of 5 pumpkin dessert recipe photos

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