Home » Breakfast » Top 10 Healthy Make-Ahead Breakfast Recipes

Top 10 Healthy Make-Ahead Breakfast Recipes

~ Want a delicious, satisfying breakfast waiting in the morning? After oodles of research and debate, here are our top 10 make-ahead breakfast recipes! Yum! ~

Top 10 Healthy Make-Ahead Breakfast Recipes {www.TwoHealthyKitchens.com}

With the holidays coming up … the happy chaos of Christmas morning … overnight guests … last-minute shopping and wrapping and baking (egads!) … Yeah, what we really need is a good game plan for some awesome make-ahead dishes, and we thought you might, too!

Here at THK, we spend tons of time surfing other blogs and reading cookbooks and food magazines. We have bajillions of Pins, lists upon lists, and folders that are overflowing with recipes we just can’t wait to make!

So, was it hard to come up with just 10 recipes? Yep, it really was!

We literally spent hours sifting through all our ideas to come up with the 10 recipes for overnight, make-ahead breakfasts that we are dying to make. Every single one inspires us and makes our tummies grumble!

We also specifically looked for recipes that generally fit our THK requirements of being healthy or offering nutritious advantages. Of course, wherever possible, we’re always fans of subbing lower-fat dairy products, and adding in a few more whole grains or veggies – all those usual THK tricks. But, with maybe just a minor tweak here or there, these are all recipes we would feel good about serving to family and friends. (And we just can’t wait to do that!)

So dig in … and let us know what you think!

Happy holidays!

Screen Shot 2013-12-02 at 1.09.01 PM1) Healthy Breakfast Bread Pudding from Monica at The Yummy Life


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2) Apple-Stuffed Strata from Cooking Light


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3) Individual Egg Bake Rounds from Liz at Carpé Season


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4) Breakfast Casserole from Kelly at Eat Yourself Skinny


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5) Bananas Fosters Topped Overnight French Toast from Gina at Skinnytaste


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6) Spiced Pear Baked Oatmeal from Kiersten at Oh My Veggies


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7) Arugula & Chicken Sausage Bread Pudding from EatingWell


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8) Overnight Cookie Dough Oatmeal from Pamela at Brooklyn Farm Girl


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9) White Mocha Slow Cooker Oatmeal from Kelly at Hidden Fruits and Veggies (With tips for a coffee-free, non-mocha version for the kiddos!)


THK Applesauce Granola2

10) Granola! And in some shameless self promotion 🙂 … don’t forget our Easy, Healthy Applesauce Granola (pictured above)! Or our beloved Easy Blueberry Overnight Oats and Easy Chia Seed Pudding (there’s a definite reason these recipes all have EASY in the name)!

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    1. Yep – this is for sure a great reason to start inviting scads of overnight guests to visit! We’ll help with the breakfast ideas … but all the cleaning before those guests arrive? We’re leaving that totally up to you – lol!!!! 😀 ~G&S