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17 Instant Pot Chili Recipes

~ These Instant Pot Chili Recipes take everything you love about a slow-simmered, cozy pot of chili … and have it steaming hot and ready for you in no time flat! From leaner turkey and chicken chili recipes, to classic beef chilis, and even vegan and vegetarian chili recipes … there’s something here for everyone! ~

These Instant Pot Chili Recipes take everything you love about a slow-simmered, cozy pot of chili ... and have it steaming hot and ready for you in no time flat! (Hurray for electric pressure cookers!) From leaner turkey chili and chicken chili recipes, to classic beef chili recipes, and even vegan and vegetarian chili recipes ... there's something here for everyone! #instantpot #pressurecooking #pressurecooker #chili #comfortfood #easydinner #healthyrecipes #recipes | www.TwoHealthyKitchens.com

Calling all Instant Pot recipe lovers (wannabes, newbies, pros … and everybody in between)!

Here at THK, we’ve been breaking out those electric pressure cookers and learning how to use them, because this month is officially Instant Pot Month – for us, anyway!

I told you we were starting from the very start, and walking through the Instant Pot journey together, and it’s true! So if you’re just joining us, be sure to circle back to our posts on exactly what is an Instant Pot? and also the one about sooooowhat can you DO with an Instant Pot? – and what CAN’T you. (And a little FYI if you’re still shopping around: after tons of research, this is the Instant Pot I chose for my family’s needs … more about choosing the right one for you is coming up in our next post.)

For all of us ready to dive on in and get cooking, I figured cozy, comfort-food chili recipes were the perfect place to start. Because as I peer out my window today, there’s a snow-covered yard … an ice-crusted pond … and then even more snow, snow, snow beyond. Plus all the freezing temperatures to go alongside. Brrrrrrrr!

What we need here in Ohio is chili! And I thought you just might, too.

So today we’ve got …

Instant Pot Chili Recipes for Everyone!

Yep! We’ve got ideas for:

  • Lower-fat chicken chili recipes and lean turkey chilis, of course!
  • And even recipes with great pointers on beef chili, including how to make it healthier with leaner meat or lots of veggies to fill it out.
  • Plus, since you don’t need meat to make a great chili, we even found some drool-worthy vegan and vegetarian options that’ll having you forgetting all about the meat!

And of course, because all of these are specifically Instant Pot chili recipes, they’re streamlined to be easy and quick to make … so a steaming bowl of comfort food really can be just minutes away, even on an icy-cold day in snow-covered little Ohio!

Instant Pot Chicken Chili Recipes

Our mouthwatering list of 17 Instant Pot Chili Recipes includes this delicious Instant Pot Paleo Buffalo Chicken Chili from Jean at What Great Grandma Ate.

Instant Pot Paleo Buffalo Chicken Chili from Jean at What Great Grandma Ate


Our list of quick and easy Chili Recipes includes this yummy Cajun Instant Pot Chili from Taylor at Food Faith Fitness

Cajun Instant Pot Chili from Taylor at Food Faith Fitness

(Note that Taylor mentions this can optionally be made with ground turkey instead of chicken.)


How terrific does this look: Pumpkin Chicken Chili from Swati at Let's Cook Healthy Tonight?!? Just one of 17 featured Instant Pot chilis!

Pumpkin Chicken Chili from Swati at Let’s Cook Healthy Tonight!

(Note that Swati offers suggestions for vegetarian substitutions instead of the chicken.)


If you love leaner chicken chili recipes, you’ve gotta try this Instant Pot White Chicken Chili from Corinne at Wonermom Wannabe – just one of 17 scrumptious ideas we’re featuring for pressure cooker chili!

Instant Pot White Chicken Chili from Corinne at Wondermom Wannabe


Hey chili lovers! Here’s a scrumptious, healthier idea that’s ready super-fast! Try Sweet Potato Chicken Chili from Lindsay at The Lean Green Bean – just one of 17 featured chili recipes that are all specifically created for electric pressure cookers!

Sweet Potato Chicken Chili from Lindsay at The Lean Green Bean


A great idea for a healthy bowl of chili - Instant Pot Green Chicken Chili from Rebecca at Simple As That – just one of 17 recipes for Instant Pot chili that we’ve hand-picked to be healthy, quick and easy!

Instant Pot Green Chicken Chili from Rebecca at Simple As That


Instant Pot Turkey Chili Recipes

This recipe for Instant Pot Turkey Chili {with Butternut Squash} from Chellie at Art from My Table is just one of 17 featured chilis – be sure to check them ALL out!

Instant Pot Turkey Chili {with Butternut Squash} from Chellie at Art from My Table


Who wouldn’t love warming up with this Instant Pot Turkey and Sweet Potato Chilli from Donna at Whole Food Bellies?!? We’ve got 16 more easy, healthy and pressure-cooker-fast chili recipes for ya, too!

Instant Pot Turkey and Sweet Potato Chilli from Donna at Whole Food Bellies


Instant Pot Beef Chili Recipes

You know what I’m going to say, right? Whether a recipe specifically mentions it (some of these do) or not – here at THK, we always recommend that you choose the leanest ground beef you can find for recipes like these. We generally buy at least 90% lean ground beef, and often score even 93% or 96%, depending on the store.

Also, remember that lean ground turkey isn’t necessarily leaner than extra-lean ground beef, so if you’re looking to make substitutions, read the packaging carefully, as many ground turkey blends actually include a higher percentage of fat than you might think.

This Instant Pot Chilli in 25 Minutes from Bintu at Recipes from a Pantry is specifically a beef chili recipes, but Bintu says you can easily substitute leaner turkey, too. And hey – if you love this idea, be sure to check out our other 16 chili recipes, all created for the pressure cooker!

Instant Pot Chilli in 25 Minutes from Bintu at Recipes from a Pantry

(Note that, although Bintu calls for lean beef, she does mention an option of substituting ground turkey, if you prefer.)


A must-try: Best Instant Pot Chili from Catalina at Sweet & Savory Meals! Just on of the chili recipes we’ve got for ya – and all 17 are quick and easy in your Instant Pot!

Best Instant Pot Chili from Catalina at Sweet & Savory Meals

(Be sure to check out Catalina’s tips for how to adjust the consistency of the chili, her suggestions on different flavor additions, her freezing tips, and also her take on the best ways to brown the ground beef. Great tips – for her chili, or other chili recipes you might make!)


Check out this scrumptious Instant Pot Chili from Julia at Savory Tooth. (Note that, although Julia calls for lean ground beef in this recipe, she does mention an option of substituting ground turkey or chicken, if you prefer.) And be sure to check out ALL of our pressure cooker chili recipes … we’ve got lots more for ya!

Instant Pot Chili from Julia at Savory Tooth

(Note that, although Julia calls for lean ground beef, she does mention an option of substituting ground turkey or chicken, if you prefer.)


Is this truly the BEST EVER Instant Pot Chili! (from Sheena at Gluten Free Pressure Cooker)? You decide! And don’t miss all our other pressure cooker chili recipes, too!

BEST EVER Instant Pot Chili! from Sheena at Gluten Free Pressure Cooker

(Sheena has great insights into just what makes an authentic chile con carne, terrific tips for the special considerations in seasoning pressure cooker chili recipes, and also tips for perfectly browned ground beef.)


Instant Pot Vegetarian Chili Recipes (and Vegan, too!)

Chili doesn’t have to include meat to be delicious! Case in point: this Instant Pot Black Eyed Peas Lentils Butternut Squash Chili from Khushbooat Carve Your Craving! We’ve got plenty more vegan and vegetarian chili ideas for you (plus chicken, turkey and beef chili, too)! Be sure to check out all the yummy recipes!

Instant Pot Black Eyed Peas Lentils Butternut Squash Chili from Khushboo at Carve Your Craving


Chili with Spinach?!? Why not?? Try this Vegetarian Chili with Spinach (Palak Rajma) from Aish at My Yellow Apron … and then check out our whole list of scrumptious chili recipes, specifically designed as electric pressure cooker recipes so they’re all easy and FAST!

Vegetarian Chili with Spinach (Palak Rajma) from Aish at My Yellow Apron


Instead of using meat in your chili, try a meat-free chili option by using lentils, like in this Instant Pot Vegan Lentil Chili from Alex at Delish Knowledge. We’ve got a whole list of other vegan chili recipes, plus vegetarian chilis and even meat-filled versions … check them out!

Instant Pot Vegan Lentil Chili from Alex at Delish Knowledge


Vegetarian chili loaded with nutritious veggies – YUM! You’ve gotta try this Instant Pot Supersonic Veggie Chili from Silvia at Garden in the Kitchen … and then check out our whole list of 17 Instant Pot Chilis for even more scrumptious ideas!

Instant Pot Supersonic Veggie Chili from Silvia at Garden in the Kitchen


What could be simpler or more comforting on a chilly evening? Instant Pot Vegetarian Chili from Dara at Cookin' Canuck + 16 more comforting, easy chili recipes for your electric pressure cooker!

Instant Pot Vegetarian Chili from Dara at Cookin’ Canuck


Chili Recipes for Those Who Don’t Own an Instant Pot (Yet! 😉 )

If you haven’t made the leap into Instant Pot cooking – no worries, we’ve got some terrific ideas for our own THK recipes that you can make on your stovetop or in your trusty old slow cooker. And don’t forget – Instant Pots include slow cooking functionality, so you can actually make slow cooker recipes in them.

Stay warm out there, friends – and enjoy!

Mmmmmmm … a whole list of quick and easy chili recipes for electric pressure cookers like the Instant Pot! Perfect recipes ideas for fast and nourishing dinners on chilly nights!

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    1. I know, right?!?! My son, Ty, helped me with gathering the final photos from the blogs I selected to be included … and he kept ooooohing and aaaaaahing over all the possibilities! So many here that I need to make ASAP, too! 🙂