Home » Sandwiches » Granola Crunch Apple-Peanut Butter Sandwich Wraps

Granola Crunch Apple-Peanut Butter Sandwich Wraps

aka: Apple-Dapple Crunch Wrap Supremes

~ These crunchy Peanut Butter Sandwich Wraps come together in just moments and are completely adaptable – no need to measure exact amounts! Perfect for on-the-go meals and make-ahead lunches, they’re full of nutrient-rich fruits, whole grains and lots of protein. Change up your PB&J routine with this delicious combination of sweet, crunchy, chewy and creamy ingredients that your whole family will love! ~

This Recipe Is:     Ready in 30 Minutes or Less    Make Ahead    Vegetarian  

Full of protein, whole grains and fruits, this wrap recipe is fast, easy and so wonderfully adaptable! Our crunchy Peanut Butter Sandwich Wraps are perfect for on-the-go meals and make-ahead lunches (you can even go nut-free for school lunches)! Change up your peanut butter and jelly routine with this new peanut butter recipe idea that’s got a delicious combination of sweet, crunchy, chewy and creamy ingredients your whole family will love! {ad} | www.TwoHealthyKitchens.com
Full of protein, whole grains and fruits, this wrap recipe is fast, easy and so wonderfully adaptable! Our crunchy Peanut Butter Sandwich Wraps are perfect for on-the-go meals and make-ahead lunches (you can even go nut-free for school lunches)! Change up your peanut butter and jelly routine with this new peanut butter recipe idea that’s got a delicious combination of sweet, crunchy, chewy and creamy ingredients your whole family will love! {ad} | www.TwoHealthyKitchens.com

Full of protein, whole grains and fruits, this wrap recipe is fast, easy and so wonderfully adaptable! Our crunchy Peanut Butter Sandwich Wraps are perfect for on-the-go meals and make-ahead lunches (you can even go nut-free for school lunches)! Change up your peanut butter and jelly routine with this new peanut butter recipe idea that’s got a delicious combination of sweet, crunchy, chewy and creamy ingredients your whole family will love! {ad} | www.TwoHealthyKitchens.com

Full of protein, whole grains and fruits, this wrap recipe is fast, easy and so wonderfully adaptable! Our crunchy Peanut Butter Sandwich Wraps are perfect for on-the-go meals and make-ahead lunches (you can even go nut-free for school lunches)! Change up your peanut butter and jelly routine with this new peanut butter recipe idea that’s got a delicious combination of sweet, crunchy, chewy and creamy ingredients your whole family will love! {ad} | www.TwoHealthyKitchens.com

* (Our little disclaimer …) We partnered with Flatout for this sponsored post, but all opinions are entirely our own. Thanks for supporting brands that support Two Healthy Kitchens and our mission of healthy eating! * Click here to check out the super-fun video we worked on with them!

These sandwich wraps are a true family favorite! Amy happily packs one in her lunch practically every day … and then sometimes has one for an afternoon snack, too. Not kidding – total fave!

Even though it’s such a no-brainer, simple idea, I’m ridiculously excited to share something that we love so much with all of you – just in case you need a little shake-up for your same-old-same-old PB&J.

Plus, my husband bugs me endlessly about why I haven’t posted this recipe yet. (Ok, buddy – here ya go! I’m also ridiculously excited that you can now move on to bugging me about something else! Ahem … xoxo …)

Full of protein, whole grains and fruits, this wrap recipe is fast, easy and so wonderfully adaptable! Our crunchy Peanut Butter Sandwich Wraps are perfect for on-the-go meals and make-ahead lunches (you can even go nut-free for school lunches)! Change up your peanut butter and jelly routine with this new peanut butter recipe idea that’s got a delicious combination of sweet, crunchy, chewy and creamy ingredients your whole family will love! {ad} | www.TwoHealthyKitchens.com

But this recipe really is so simple, so flexible, that I thought there just wasn’t all that much to say about it.

Slap some deliciously nutritious ingredients inside a Flatout flatbread, roll up, and enjoy!

That simple!

Oh sure, I could go on and on, detailing how the juicy apple marries perfectly with the chewy, tart cranberries, the creamy peanut butter, and the crunchy bits of granola. All true!

And I could mention the oodles of nutrition packed in there: vitamins and fiber and from various fruits, protein from the peanut butter, whole grain goodness from the granola … not to mention all the nutrition in the Flatout itself, which is magically loaded of fiber-filled whole grains, and a surprising amount protein.

Full of protein, whole grains and fruits, this wrap recipe is fast, easy and so wonderfully adaptable! Our crunchy Peanut Butter Sandwich Wraps are perfect for on-the-go meals and make-ahead lunches (you can even go nut-free for school lunches)! Change up your peanut butter and jelly routine with this new peanut butter recipe idea that’s got a delicious combination of sweet, crunchy, chewy and creamy ingredients your whole family will love! {ad} | www.TwoHealthyKitchens.com

Oh – and then I could dive into the vast array of options …

• Like, how you could make your sandwich wraps with all dried cranberries, or alllll raisins … or (gettin’ crazy here …) swap in some other dried fruits like chopped dates or blueberries. Whoa!

• And you don’t even have to use good ol’ peanut butter. Not with the vast array of nut butters on every supermarket shelf. Plus, if allergies are a problem, you can go for Sun Butter or nut-free Wow Butter.

• Or, hey – want more apples? Ok! Pile ’em on!

• How about trying pears instead? Ok by me! Or fresh strawberries (like in our Peanut Butter Tortilla “Quesdaillas”). Yum yum yum!

You get the idea. It’s your wrap … I’m not making the rules!

Just throw it all together!

Full of protein, whole grains and fruits, this wrap recipe is fast, easy and so wonderfully adaptable! Our crunchy Peanut Butter Sandwich Wraps are perfect for on-the-go meals and make-ahead lunches (you can even go nut-free for school lunches)! Change up your peanut butter and jelly routine with this new peanut butter recipe idea that’s got a delicious combination of sweet, crunchy, chewy and creamy ingredients your whole family will love! {ad} | www.TwoHealthyKitchens.com

I’d truly never even measured the ingredients for these sandwich wraps, until I needed to create a standard recipe to share with you as a starting point for your own creations. Amy helped me test a couple versions, so we could offer a solid guideline to help you begin.

But really – there’s no need for precision with this one.

You’ve gotta love recipes that don’t require a measuring cup … just go for it, friends!

Full of protein, whole grains and fruits, this wrap recipe is fast, easy and so wonderfully adaptable! Our crunchy Peanut Butter Sandwich Wraps are perfect for on-the-go meals and make-ahead lunches (you can even go nut-free for school lunches)! Change up your peanut butter and jelly routine with this new peanut butter recipe idea that’s got a delicious combination of sweet, crunchy, chewy and creamy ingredients your whole family will love! {ad} | www.TwoHealthyKitchens.com
These sandwich wraps are so quick and easy! We just grab a Flatout flatbread (we’ve always got several varieties in the bread box and our freezer!), and spread it with peanut butter. Then we top it with matchstick apples slices (1), golden raisins (2), dried cranberries (3), and a final flourish of crunchy granola (4). You can even sprinkle on a little cinnamon if you’d like. And remember … you should definitely feel free to improvise! Swap in any other nut butter or nut-free butter you’d like, and play around with different fruits. We carefully measured it all out for you on the recipe card below, but honestly – in “real life” we never measure anything for this recipe! No stress here, friends!

But, seriously … far, far beyond ingredients and nutrition and all the obvious recipe options, here’s what I really want to talk about:

The name.

Not the “Granola Crunch Apple-Peanut Butter Sandwich Wraps” name. The unofficial one: Apple-Dapple Crunch Wrap Supreme. That’s what we actually call it in our house!

Although, at our house, most things go by entirely made-up, shorthand names.

Like our dishwasher. Who has time for all three syllables in today’s busy world? We’ve whacked that mouthful right down to six letters: we call it the dee-dub. Huh? I know. You’re not the only one who’s been confused by that. But stick with me: dee-dub. As in D-W (you know … Dish Washer). But again, saying “D-double-ewe” is a mouthful. So … dee-dub! We put our dishes in the dee-dub.

Makes so much sense now, doesn’t it?

Full of protein, whole grains and fruits, this wrap recipe is fast, easy and so wonderfully adaptable! Our crunchy Peanut Butter Sandwich Wraps are perfect for on-the-go meals and make-ahead lunches (you can even go nut-free for school lunches)! Change up your peanut butter and jelly routine with this new peanut butter recipe idea that’s got a delicious combination of sweet, crunchy, chewy and creamy ingredients your whole family will love! {ad} | www.TwoHealthyKitchens.com

Similarly, take the word minivan, which we say sooooooo very frequently in our little carpooling world.

Again, three whopping syllables.

When you’re frantically searching for lost keys, scrabbling for cleats, and wondering where you left your cell phone, three syllables is two syllables too many. Problem solved: we generally just call it the “min.”

Our vocabulary is peppered with lots of other made-up words, too.

I married into the term “flug” which Scott’s family uses to refer to any stray bit of fuzz or lint. Because when you desperately need to tell your friend that she’s got a “small speck of lint” on her sweater, it’s just so much faster to point and yell, “Flug!”

And of course, you THK regulars know that we absolutely jump at the chance to make up new holidays and christen them with whimsical (ahem … insane) names.

My family can’t possibly be bothered with how long it takes to say that we’re having our “Annual Fall Get-Together in Combined Celebration of Halloween and Thanksgiving.” Too exhausting. We just have “Thanks-O-Weenie”! Ditto for our “Spring Reunion That Falls Between St. Patrick’s Day and Easter.” That, of course, would be “St. Peaster’s Day”!

So, anywho …

… that brings us to these sandwich wraps. And their name.

Full of protein, whole grains and fruits, this wrap recipe is fast, easy and so wonderfully adaptable! Our crunchy Peanut Butter Sandwich Wraps are perfect for on-the-go meals and make-ahead lunches (you can even go nut-free for school lunches)! Change up your peanut butter and jelly routine with this new peanut butter recipe idea that’s got a delicious combination of sweet, crunchy, chewy and creamy ingredients your whole family will love! {ad} | www.TwoHealthyKitchens.com

I just made them up one day, off the cuff – a day that I actually don’t have documented in my recipe notebooks and that I no longer specifically remember.

But when you plunk a new recipe creation in front of someone, it’s always helpful if that recipe has a catchy name. Something so catchy that your diner can’t help but be instantly charmed and intrigued.

And so, somehow, these were dubbed Apple Dapple Crunch Wrap Supremes.

My family thought I was ridiculous (I am) and they giggled at me a lot (I didn’t care). But they also loooooved them.

I think your family will, too!

Oh – and if you find yourself short on time as you finish loading the “dee-dub” and dash for your “min” just in time for the afternoon’s carpool duty: it’s totally ok to cut the name right down, to just thrust four-syllables of “Apple-Dapple” into your hungry children’s hands.

Full of protein, whole grains and fruits, this wrap recipe is fast, easy and so wonderfully adaptable! Our crunchy Peanut Butter Sandwich Wraps are perfect for on-the-go meals and make-ahead lunches (you can even go nut-free for school lunches)! Change up your peanut butter and jelly routine with this new peanut butter recipe idea that’s got a delicious combination of sweet, crunchy, chewy and creamy ingredients your whole family will love! {ad} | www.TwoHealthyKitchens.com

Because, no matter what you call these, they’ll be a total smash hit!

How Much of a Hit, You Ask?!? (Update September 2017)

Well, these sandwich wraps have caught on like wildfire on Pinterest, and are consistently our most repinned recipe, every single month! They’re well on their way to becoming our most popular recipe ever.

Funny that something so simple is all it takes to make people happy (definitely – note to self).

But what’s really awesome is that these were recently featured in Flatout’s national video campaign for #FlatoutLove. The video is absolutely darling, through and through – with so many inspiring recipe ideas (oh my gosh – don’t miss the adorable birthday cake and the chocolate-dipped hearts!).

Check it out:

And then go grab some more Flatouts to try all these great new ideas! Head over to the handy Store Locator if you’re having trouble finding Flatouts at your local store.

But seriously … the very first thing you make with your new stash of Flatouts should be a couple of Apple Dapples. Maybe that birthday cake as a close second, though! 😉

Granola Crunch Apple-Peanut Butter Sandwich Wraps

Granola Crunch Apple-Peanut Butter Sandwich Wraps

Yield: 1 Sandwich Wrap
Prep Time: 5 minutes
Total Time: 5 minutes

These crunchy Peanut Butter Sandwich Wraps are fast, easy and so adaptable! They're full of fruits, whole grains and protein for quality, sustained energy. Perfect for on-the-go meals, and for make-ahead meal prepping!

  Ready in 30 Minutes or Less    Make Ahead  •  Vegetarian  


  • 1 Flatout flatbread (for this recipe we like Healthy Grain Harvest Wheat, Multi Grain with Flax, or Light Original)
  • 1/4 cup natural peanut butter (crunchy or smooth)
  • 1/3 cup matchstick-cut apples (from about 1/4 apple – we like tart or sweet-tart varieties like Granny Smith or Honey Crisp)
  • 2 tablespoons golden raisins
  • 2 tablespoons dried cranberries
  • 2 tablespoons granola (see note)
  • 1/8 teaspoon cinnamon, optional


  1. For each sandwich wrap, place a Flatout flatbread on your work surface and spread with peanut butter.
  2. Lay apple matchsticks evenly, lengthwise, down the center of the flatbread, as shown in the photos in the post. Sprinkle raisins, cranberries, granola, and cinnamon (if using) evenly over top of the apples.
  3. Beginning at one long side, roll the flatbread up.
  4. Cut in half and serve immediately, or wrap tightly and store in the refrigerator until serving or packing in lunch boxes.


Substitutions, nut-free options, and ingredient quantities: As mentioned in the post, this recipe is incredibly flexible. Use it as a starting point, but feel free to get creative and sub in different fruits like fall pears, dried fruits like dates or blueberries, and different nut butters or even nut-free butters like Sun Butter and Wow Butter. We typically never measure exact amounts when making these wraps – don't worry too much over exact quantities for each ingredient, but instead combine everything in a way that you and your family will love best.

Granola: You can use any granola you'd like, including homemade granolas like our Easy, Healthy Applesauce Granola. If you purchase store-bought granola, be sure to read the nutrition labels carefully, as various brands and varieties differ significantly in their ingredient lists, amount of fats and sugars, etc.

Nutrition Information:
Yield: 2 servings Serving Size: 1/2 wrap
Amount Per Serving: Calories: 294Total Fat: 17gSaturated Fat: 3gTrans Fat: 0gUnsaturated Fat: 13gCholesterol: 0mgSodium: 136mgCarbohydrates: 31gFiber: 5gSugar: 18gProtein: 9g

Nutrition information should be considered an estimate only, and may vary depending on your choice of ingredients or preparation. No guarantees are made regarding allergies or dietary needs. Always consult a physician or dietician for specific advice and questions.

Did You Make This Recipe?

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Inspiration: When I started making this recipe for my family, I didn’t work from any other recipe or cookbook. Just made it up. But then, as I was testing it to standardize everything for you and I began thinking about what I wanted to tell you in this post, I thought I vaguely remembered that the idea for adding crunchy stuff – like seeds and granola – to peanut butter sandwiches had definitely come from somewhere, years ago. Sure enough – I dug back through a bunch of my kiddos’ old cookbooks, and found a “PB and a Wrap” recipe and even a “Fruit and Peanutty Pockets” recipe that I know we riffed on a lot when my kids were younger. So, I’d be absolutely remiss if I didn’t give them a nod here, as I’m sure they were my inspiration, hidden somewhere back in my memory. That “Fruit and Peanutty Pockets” recipe was also part of the initial springboard for our Strawberry-Peanut Butter Quesadillas. You can find both those original recipes in the Better Homes and Gardens book Snack Attack: Return of the Munchies. It’s lots of fun! We have shelves full of children’s cookbooks, but this was always one of my kids’ favorites.
Full of protein, whole grains and fruits, this wrap recipe is fast, easy and so wonderfully adaptable! Our crunchy Peanut Butter Sandwich Wraps are perfect for on-the-go meals and make-ahead lunches (you can even go nut-free for school lunches)! Change up your peanut butter and jelly routine with this new peanut butter recipe idea that’s got a delicious combination of sweet, crunchy, chewy and creamy ingredients your whole family will love! {ad} | www.TwoHealthyKitchens.com

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    1. Hi Victor! These are definitely both fun and healthy … and surprisingly scrumptious (even for adults!). As I mentioned in the post, I typically just throw them together without specific measurements, just eyeballing everything. You can definitely get a little creative here, so it really is a terrific recipe to let the kiddos experiment with! Enjoy! ~Shelley

    1. Hahaha – I love it! Wrapples! That’s so perfect! And actually – your comment totally was a “blast from the past” for me – there used to be these caramel sheets you’d see in the grocery stores, that you could wrap around apples to make super-fast caramel apples. No idea if they still have them anymore, but I definitely remember seeing those in the autumn, when I was a kid. Anyway … Wrapples! That’s awesome! 😀 ~Shelley

  1. THIS is an amazing recipe and an amazing idea!
    It combines two of my favorite things in the world – cereal & wraps/burritos!

    That said, i would really like to make those delicious looking rolls, but i live in Germany and i’m not sure or i somehow know, that i’m not really able to get my hands on the mentioned flatbread. So i need to substitute them for something i can buy. How much different are they from wraps/(corn)tortillas?
    What’s the main difference? Are they thicker? (it looks like that)

    I would be amazing if you could help me out here, Shelley! 🙂

    Thanks in advance!

    1. Hi there! I’m happy to help – so sorry you can’t find Flatouts in Germany, but you definitely have options!

      I wouldn’t use corn tortillas for this specific sandwich wrap recipe, because I don’t think the corn flavor would go well with the peanut butter, etc. A wheat (flour) tortilla would probably be your best bet for these wraps. Of course, whole grain/whole wheat tortillas will provide more fiber and nutrition if you can find them (although probably not nearly as much protein as the Flatouts – it’s hard to beat Flatouts in that respect), but even plain (refined/white flour) tortillas will work – they’ll taste great but just not be quite so nutritious. Flatouts are maybe a tiny bit thicker than most tortillas, but not by much, so I think tortillas will work just fine for you.

      I’m not sure what other types of flatbread you might be able to find in Germany, but I find that most flatbreads here in America are too think to roll into a nice sandwich wrap. If you can find some other thin option, go for it! I hope that helps!

      And … you totally made me think of my beloved cousin, MaryBeth, who grew up here in Ohio but now lives in Germany. Last summer, she wrote a recipe post for this site about Garlic Lime Shrimp Tacos, and how tough it can be to find certain American ingredients and flavors she loves, now that she lives in Germany. If you’re interested, here’s the link to that: http://twohealthykitchens.com/2016/09/08/garlic-lime-shrimp-tacos/

      Thank so much for the great question … and good luck! 🙂 ~Shelley

      1. No, i have to thank you for this awesome and fast reply and answer Shelley!
        Thank you so much!

        I know a place where i can find flaxseed tortillas i may go with them ^^
        And also thanks for explaining, that flatouts are more or likely just wraps/tortillas just a bit thicker with way more protein in it 😀
        I really thought they would be way different from “normal” wraps/tortillas.

        Other i had in mind where Gözleme (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/G%C3%B6zleme) or Lavash/Yufka (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lavash), since we have a great and active turkish community here in Germany, or some Naan Bread (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Afghan_bread) you can get from time to time in the supermarkets.
        But i think every of those option could kinda work. 🙂

        btw great blog article and recipe from your cousin (even the “typical” german picture made me chuckle a bit ^^). Those Tacos look very delicious too AND i can get all the ingredience! 😉
        (which really is some kind of trouble. Especially when you love american food/recipes and all the recipes that come up from the lively foodie scene)

        Thanks again, now i have definitively no excuse anymore to not make them! 😀

      2. Oh, I’m so glad my suggestions and explanations helped you! And thank you for suggesting some of the products you thought you might be able to find that would work well for these sandwich wraps – your ideas could really help other readers in Germany, too! (Or maybe you’ll get extra lucky and Flatout will expand to lots of German distribution lol!). So glad you liked the Tacos in Germany post from MaryBeth – I loved her “German” photo shoot, but especially the gorgeous photos of the produce in her local market! Cheers – and I hope I’ll hear from you again soon! 😀 ~Shelley

      3. Hey Shelley!

        It took me a while, but i finally made this awesome looking wraps! And let me say: They are amazing! _Pretty_ darn sweet, but amazing!

        I used a wheat tortilla and maybe used a bit too much PB (i know that is impossible, but still ;)), since the size of the flatout and and the trotilla may be different, but i’ll definitely make them again!

        Thanks for this amazing everyday recipe 🙂
        (and again thanks for your help and tips! 🙂

      4. Oh great! I’m so happy it all worked out and these sandwich wraps were worth the wait! And, since you mentioned they were a bit on the sweet side for you, I can offer a couple of other ideas. Definitely be sure you use sweet-tart apples (like Granny Smith) to bring in that tart flavor profile, instead of really sweet apples. Also, the amount of sugar (and “sweetness”) can vary a lot depending on what granola you choose, so you could look for one that’s lower in sugar. And lastly, you could decrease the amount of raisins you use, as those add a lot of sweetness, too. One of the many terrific things about these peanut butter wraps is that they’re so easy to change up each time you make them, varying the ingredients and the exact amounts to suit your taste. Thanks again for all the great questions – I’m really happy I was able to help! 😀 ~Shelley

      5. Shelley! Those are awesome tips!
        And to be honest… i made two of those “sweet mistakes”. I used a sweet apple (Pink lady… since i always have sweet apple like Fuji, Honeycrisp or Pink Lady at home ^^) and while Cranberries are a bit expensive here in Germany i substitute a bit more raisins for them (knowing i will change tartness against sweetness here). So yeah… maybe that’s the reason why it was i bit too sweet xD
        Though: It will become a regular dish for me, so i’ll use a granny smith next time and maybe i splurge on some dried cranberries (i mean pb and dried cranberries even sound like a win for my tastebuds ;))

        Thanks again!

        Cheers! 🙂

      6. You are so very, very welcome! It’s been wonderful “talking” you through finding the things you need in Germany, and I’m delighted it’s worked out so well! 😀 ~Shelley

    1. Hi Jodi! Yes – they can be. We do that sometimes, too. The only two things I’d suggest if you want to make these sandwich wraps a couple of days ahead are 1) to definitely choose apples like Granny Smith that don’t brown as readily and 2) just be aware that the granola may not be quite as crunchy. We don’t find either thing to be a big deal and think they’re still really, really good when made ahead, but I wanted to be sure to give you a heads-up about those two things that will slightly change the finished recipe for you. I hope you and your family love them as much as we do! 😀 ~Shelley

  2. Where would I find the nutritional information on this recipe? I would love to take this to work for lunch but I journal what I eat and need some way to keep track of it.

    1. Hi, Tina! Great question – and you’re definitely not the only reader who’s asked about nutrition info. There are actually some pretty specific reasons why we have (at least thus far) opted not to include nutrition info with our recipes, so let me offer a little explanation and further info on how you might more accurately calculate your own. We’ve actually debated since the beginning of this blog whether or not we should supply nutrition info (and address it in our FAQ (http://twohealthykitchens.com/about/).

      Especially with Gretchen’s (my original business partner’s) master’s degree in nutrition, she could easily have calculated that manually – plus there are loads of online calculators to use. However, for a variety of reasons, we have decided over and over again not to do that. One big reason is that we generally don’t specify exact brands (although one exception is in this post, where we specifically recommend using Flatouts), so the final nutritional profile of a recipe can vary widely, depending on the purchasing decisions our readers make. In the end, it could almost be a bit misleading to quote nutritional info, if readers make significantly different purchasing choices than we did in testing. Although that problem wouldn’t be a big issue with some of our recipes, it could be for a lot of other recipes on our site. For example, the final nutritional profile of our most popular recipe ever – our very simple 3-Ingredient Crock-Pot Chicken Tacos – could vary tremendously (particularly, in this case, the sodium) depending on which taco seasoning and which salsa someone purchases.

      My best suggestion would be to use your favorite online nutrition calculator. Do you subscribe to our newsletter? A few months ago, we sent out a whole list of different recipe calculators in our newsletter. Too long to publish here (this is already such long answer! ? ), but shoot me an email if you’re interested, and I can send that along for you!

      Also … having said all of this … I want you to know that we do get questions like this from other readers from time to time, too. As a result, we are always re-evaluating this very good question and exploring how we may be able to offer nutrition information in a way that we can feel good about – a way that’s helpful and not potentially misleading. So stay tuned …

      Thanks so much for reaching out to us! I hope these explanations help you out at least a little!
      Have a wonderful weekend! ~Shelley