Home » Fish & Seafood » 9 All-Time Best Healthy, Easy Seafood and Fish Recipes

9 All-Time Best Healthy, Easy Seafood and Fish Recipes

Very Best Healthy Recipes Series: Part 10

~ These fish recipes are quick-cooking and easy, perfect for busy nights! But you want to know that they’re going to be a hit with the family, right? No problem! These 9 seafood and fish recipes were collected from fellow food bloggers who told us that these are the most popular healthy recipes they’ve posted! Quick, easy, healthy and already popular – definitely ones you’ve gotta try next! ~

Super-popular seafood and fish recipes – gathered from among the most popular healthy recipes other bloggers have ever published! Fish dinners are quick-cooking, perfect for busy weeknight meals! We’ve got an easy Shrimp Stir Fry, Fish Taco Bowls, Baked Salmon, a gorgeous layered Tuna Salad, Grilled Salmon Kabobs … and more! These top fish and seafood recipes are easy, healthy and super-popular – definitely the fish dinner recipes you've gotta try next! | www.TwoHealthyKitchens.com

Fish recipes.

If I had to choose the one thing that seems toughest to convince people about when it comes to healthy eating, fish recipes just might be it. (Well … and the idea that healthy desserts can actually be decadent … but that’s a story for another day.)

Somehow cooking fish just seems a little extra daunting.

Chicken? People know what to do with that. Ground beef? Sure – anyone can totally envision how that recipe is going to work out.

But a fish recipe? Hmmmmmm … how exactly do you properly cook fish, and will anyone even like it anyway? I think that’s what a lot of busy cooks worry about, and why they so often skip over seafood or fish and grab the comfortable, I-know-just-what-to-expect packages of chicken or beef instead.

I truly do understand. Been there! My own family tends to be a little skeptical of a new fish recipe. “Really?” they wonder. “Will it actually be any good? Why didn’t she just play it safe and cook chicken tonight??” Ahem. I meant it … been there.

And they’re oh-so surprised when it actually is good. Really, really good. As in: hey, can you make that again GOOD.

Easy Honey-Glazed Salmon was a break-through game-changer in my house. Ditto Asian Salmon Burgers and Sheet Pan Shrimp Fajitas and Caprese Grilled Fish.

Super-popular seafood and fish recipes – gathered from among the most popular healthy recipes other bloggers have ever published! Fish dinners are quick-cooking, perfect for busy weeknight meals! We’ve got an easy Shrimp Stir Fry, Fish Taco Bowls, Baked Salmon, a gorgeous layered Tuna Salad, Grilled Salmon Kabobs … and more! These top fish and seafood recipes are easy, healthy and super-popular – definitely the fish dinner recipes you've gotta try next! | www.TwoHealthyKitchens.com
Asian Salmon Burgers (left), Caprese Grilled Fish (top right), and Easy Honey-Glazed Salmon (bottom right) are just a few of our THK fish recipe faves! You can check out all our Fish and Seafood Recipes HERE.

And our momentum is building now – we’re quickly adding more and more fish recipes to our repertoire, new meals that the fam is actually excited to see parading toward the dinner table! (Plus recipe collections full of ideas, like our showcase of Baked Swordfish Recipes.)

Fish doesn’t seem like an obligation anymore, a thing you have to eat once in a while to be healthy. Nope! It’s becoming a thing we choose to eat because we like it! Epiphany!

But all that can take some time. You have to build up your family’s trust and confidence with one good recipe after another, until they actually start to believe … it’s like watching a fabled fairy tale come true right before their very eyes!

So, I’m especially excited to offer you even more fish inspiration today, beyond the other recipes we’ve already collected for you here on our site. They’re great starting points for skeptics, because they’re already popular out there in blog-land, so you can tackle them with confidence.

Like all of the recipes in our “Very Best Recipes” series, these were offered up to us when we asked hundreds of fellow food bloggers to share their #1 most popular healthy recipe. For 9 of those bloggers, these seafood and fish recipes are the most popular from their entire sites.

Worth a try, right? Yep, they definitely are!

Super-popular seafood and fish recipes – gathered from among the most popular healthy recipes other bloggers have ever published! Fish dinners are quick-cooking, perfect for busy weeknight meals! We’ve got an easy Shrimp Stir Fry, Fish Taco Bowls, Baked Salmon, a gorgeous layered Tuna Salad, Grilled Salmon Kabobs … and more! These top fish and seafood recipes are easy, healthy and super-popular – definitely the fish dinner recipes you've gotta try next! | www.TwoHealthyKitchens.com

Shrimp and Asparagus Stir Fry with Lemon Sauce from Brandie at Home Cooking Memories


Super-popular seafood and fish recipes – gathered from among the most popular healthy recipes other bloggers have ever published! Fish dinners are quick-cooking, perfect for busy weeknight meals! We’ve got an easy Shrimp Stir Fry, Fish Taco Bowls, Baked Salmon, a gorgeous layered Tuna Salad, Grilled Salmon Kabobs … and more! These top fish and seafood recipes are easy, healthy and super-popular – definitely the fish dinner recipes you've gotta try next! | www.TwoHealthyKitchens.com

Blackened Tilapia Taco Bowls from Amanda at The Chunky Chef


Super-popular seafood and fish recipes – gathered from among the most popular healthy recipes other bloggers have ever published! Fish dinners are quick-cooking, perfect for busy weeknight meals! We’ve got an easy Shrimp Stir Fry, Fish Taco Bowls, Baked Salmon, a gorgeous layered Tuna Salad, Grilled Salmon Kabobs … and more! These top fish and seafood recipes are easy, healthy and super-popular – definitely the fish dinner recipes you've gotta try next! | www.TwoHealthyKitchens.com

Orange Maple Glazed Salmon from Liz at My Jewish Learning


Super-popular seafood and fish recipes – gathered from among the most popular healthy recipes other bloggers have ever published! Fish dinners are quick-cooking, perfect for busy weeknight meals! We’ve got an easy Shrimp Stir Fry, Fish Taco Bowls, Baked Salmon, a gorgeous layered Tuna Salad, Grilled Salmon Kabobs … and more! These top fish and seafood recipes are easy, healthy and super-popular – definitely the fish dinner recipes you've gotta try next! | www.TwoHealthyKitchens.com

Oven Roasted Whole Branzino from Catalina at Peas & Peonies


Super-popular seafood and fish recipes – gathered from among the most popular healthy recipes other bloggers have ever published! Fish dinners are quick-cooking, perfect for busy weeknight meals! We’ve got an easy Shrimp Stir Fry, Fish Taco Bowls, Baked Salmon, a gorgeous layered Tuna Salad, Grilled Salmon Kabobs … and more! These top fish and seafood recipes are easy, healthy and super-popular – definitely the fish dinner recipes you've gotta try next! | www.TwoHealthyKitchens.com

Avocado Tuna Salad from Kat at Home Made Interest


Super-popular seafood and fish recipes – gathered from among the most popular healthy recipes other bloggers have ever published! Fish dinners are quick-cooking, perfect for busy weeknight meals! We’ve got an easy Shrimp Stir Fry, Fish Taco Bowls, Baked Salmon, a gorgeous layered Tuna Salad, Grilled Salmon Kabobs … and more! These top fish and seafood recipes are easy, healthy and super-popular – definitely the fish dinner recipes you've gotta try next! | www.TwoHealthyKitchens.com

Lemon and Dill Barbecue Salmon Kabobs from Matthew at Plating Pixels


Super-popular seafood and fish recipes – gathered from among the most popular healthy recipes other bloggers have ever published! Fish dinners are quick-cooking, perfect for busy weeknight meals! We’ve got an easy Shrimp Stir Fry, Fish Taco Bowls, Baked Salmon, a gorgeous layered Tuna Salad, Grilled Salmon Kabobs … and more! These top fish and seafood recipes are easy, healthy and super-popular – definitely the fish dinner recipes you've gotta try next! | www.TwoHealthyKitchens.com

Salsa Shrimp Lettuce Wraps from Carla at Chocolate Moosey


Super-popular seafood and fish recipes – gathered from among the most popular healthy recipes other bloggers have ever published! Fish dinners are quick-cooking, perfect for busy weeknight meals! We’ve got an easy Shrimp Stir Fry, Fish Taco Bowls, Baked Salmon, a gorgeous layered Tuna Salad, Grilled Salmon Kabobs … and more! These top fish and seafood recipes are easy, healthy and super-popular – definitely the fish dinner recipes you've gotta try next! | www.TwoHealthyKitchens.com

Baked Herbed Salmon from Nancy at The Bitter Side of Sweet


Super-popular seafood and fish recipes – gathered from among the most popular healthy recipes other bloggers have ever published! Fish dinners are quick-cooking, perfect for busy weeknight meals! We’ve got an easy Shrimp Stir Fry, Fish Taco Bowls, Baked Salmon, a gorgeous layered Tuna Salad, Grilled Salmon Kabobs … and more! These top fish and seafood recipes are easy, healthy and super-popular – definitely the fish dinner recipes you've gotta try next! | www.TwoHealthyKitchens.com

How to Cook Fish from Frozen (Basic Method + Directions for Breaded Fish) from Christine at Cook the Story


And don’t miss all the other super-popular recipes in our “Very Best Healthy Recipes” series!

Super-popular seafood and fish recipes – gathered from among the most popular healthy recipes other bloggers have ever published! Fish dinners are quick-cooking, perfect for busy weeknight meals! We’ve got an easy Shrimp Stir Fry, Fish Taco Bowls, Baked Salmon, a gorgeous layered Tuna Salad, Grilled Salmon Kabobs … and more! These top fish and seafood recipes are easy, healthy and super-popular – definitely the fish dinner recipes you've gotta try next! | www.TwoHealthyKitchens.com

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    1. Fish really is a terrific, healthy option, Nancy! And with so many wonderful ways to prepare it, these fish recipes offer a little something for everyone to enjoy – even people who claim they don’t usually like seafood and fish! 🙂 ~Shelley

    1. I totally agree – fish really is a terrific option for healthy, delicious meals! Over the years of trying different recipes, my family now has so many fish recipes that we truly enjoy and look forward to eating. I really think so many people “don’t like” fish because they haven’t had REALLY GOOD fish recipes! You’ve got to find ones you love, of course – and I’m so happy you thought these looked great! Let me know which ones you try first! ~Shelley

  1. These all look amazing! We cook fish all the time around here, maybe 2 times a week. It’s really easy once you learn how. And, like you said, fish is a great healthy meal! Thanks for the new recipes – they all look amazing!

    1. Oh, Debi! Thank you so much! It’s wonderful to hear from you, and means so much to know that a great cook like you finds inspiration in the fish recipes we selected to include here! Long-distance hugs, my friend! 😀 ~Shelley