Home » Snacks » 25 Deliciously Healthy Popcorn Recipes

25 Deliciously Healthy Popcorn Recipes

From Sweet to Savory to Kinda Spunky … Popcorn Toppings and Seasoning Recipes for Any Mood or Occasion!

25 Deliciously Healthy Popcorn Recipes {www.TwoHealthyKitchens.com}

If you’re a regular THKer (you totally rock!!), then you remember we just shared a fantastic and absolutely simple method for popping 100% butter-free and oil-free popcorn, right in your microwave.

Steaming hot, it’s perfect in its own all-natural way – so fresh and nutty, and literally the easiest thing you’ve ever made in your whole life. Like, the entirety of your life.

Easiest. Ever.

25 Deliciously Healthy Popcorn Recipes {www.TwoHealthyKitchens.com}
After testing and retesting our recipe for Microwave Popcorn (using just a microwave and a brown paper lunch bag!), we’ve got loads of tips and suggestions to share! Just click here to check it out … and start making the best, easiest, healthiest popcorn ever!

But, while that incredibly simple microwave popcorn really is scrumptious in all its whole-grain glory, sometimes you might want to kick it up a notch. It could start with a little sprinkle of salt … but then maybe you want to kick it up another notch! Mmmmmmm … we get it!

We’d actually started brainstorming some really great recipes for popcorn seasonings …

But then, sadly, three of our four kiddos got braces. (You see the problem already, don’t you?) Yeah – orthodontics kinda take all the fun out of family popcorn night! Makes testing deeee-licious popcorn toppings in front of kids who can’t have any feel like a cruel, cruel joke. So, we put our own ideas on hold (for now) …

And what did we do instead???

Well, we turned to some of the most amazing bloggers out there in the ‘sphere, and are giddy-excited to share the very best popcorn seasonings, toppings, flavor combos and mix-ins we could find!

Oh … and … these are all healthy, too! You saw that coming, right?

There are thousands (millions! billions!) of popcorn recipes on the web … but most (while they may sound yummy) are just not very healthy things to add to a beautifully, perfectly popped bowl of fluffy, whole-grain goodness (aka popcorn!).

We were searching for delicious AND healthy!

Something a little better for you than movie theater popcorn. (Which, in case you were wondering, is not good for you. A small bag will not only set you back $6, but can also contain more than 600 calories and 40 grams of fat. Yeeeesh.)

We’ve got something way better! Actually, 25 somethings! Our list of healthy popcorn recipes will have you poppin’ every day to the tune of a new flavor!

We were literally cheering on the phone as we discussed these! Oh yes, friends … they’re that good. Cheer worthy.

No matter what you’re craving, we’ve got a flavor combo you’ll love! From recipes that’ll satisfy your sweet-tooth to ideas for when you need something a little salty. And if you just can’t decide between those, we’ve got spunky flavors that are the perfect blend … a little sweet, with a kick!

So, mix away! And hey … happy snacking!!

Pssssst … the collaged photos below are formatted so that (on most computers and some mobile devices), you can simply mouse over the photos to see each recipe’s name, and then click directly on the image you’d like to read more about. Alternately, you can also just click on the text links below each photo to view the full recipes, too!

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Sweet Popcorn Recipes (from left to right):

Mint Chocolate Chip Glazed Popcorn from Brianne at Cupcakes & Kale Chips

Peach Colada Popcorn Snack Mix from Meg at The Housewife in Training Files

Chocolate Popcorn from Annemarie at Real Food Real Deals

Maple Gingerbread Popcorn from Annemarie at Real Food Real Deals

Kettle Corn from Britney and Cherie from Grain Crazy

Vanilla Almond Popcorn from Annemarie at Real Food Real Deals

Tropical Popcorn Snack Mix from Amy at Amy’s Healthy Baking

Pumpkin-Glazed Popcorn from Annemarie at Real Food Real Deals

Clean Eating Caramel Popcorn from Tiffany at The Gracious Pantry


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Savory Popcorn Recipes (from left to right):

 “Cheesy” Taco Popcorn from Jen at Frugal Living Mom

Rosemary Parmesan Popcorn from Caroline at Taste Love & Nourish

Chili Cheese Popcorn from Kellie at The Suburban Soapbox

Skinny Buttered Popcorn from Amy at Amy’s Healthy Baking

Wasabi Soy Sauce Popcorn from Pamela at Brooklyn Farm Girl

Garlic Parmesan Popcorn from Sylvia at Feasting at Home

Sriracha Popcorn from Caroline at Taste Love & Nourish

Smoky Curried Popcorn from Julie at Savvy Eat


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Spunky Popcorn Recipes (from top to bottom, starting from left):

Chipotle Brown Sugar Lime Popcorn from Danae at Recipe Runner

Glazed Mexican Chocolate Popcorn from Brianne at Cupcakes & Kale Chips

Popcorn Three Ways from Arielle at Arielle Likes to Cook

Ras el Hanout Popcorn from Autumn at Autumn Makes and Does

Sea Salt Honey Coconut Popcorn from Katie at 24 Carrot Life

Thai Lime & Chili Popcorn Snack from Deanna at Teaspoon of Spice

Coconut Curry Popcorn from Jesse Lane at Jesse Lane Wellness

Perfect Popcorn Spice Mix from Cat at Breakfast to Bed


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