Galentine’s Day (What Is It? + How to Celebrate in Style!)

Galentine’s Day is possibly the best holiday anyone has invented in a long, long time. So just what IS Galentine’s Day? We’ve got the scoop, plus loads of Galentine’s Day ideas for how to celebrate, what to eat, Galentine’s gifts and more!

What Is Galentine’s Day?

Galentine’s Day celebrates gals and their besties – those friendships that have stood the test of time, through thick and thin, through boyfriends and husbands, through the good days and the bad.

When Is Galentine’s Day?

Galentine’s Day falls on February 13. Right before Valentine’s Day (that other holiday for celebrating people we love best).

Galentine’s Day Ideas

When it comes to celebrating this particular holiday in style, the great thing is that style doesn’t have to mean glitz and glamour and expense. Remember … it all started with waffles and crochet.

Galentine’s Day Brunch

If you wanna stay true to the roots of the day, brunch is the way to go.

Waffle Bar

4-Ingredient Strawberries and Cream Pancake and Waffle Topping

DIY Fruit Bouquet

Galentine’s Day Gift Ideas

I’d say this is one of those holidays where you can totally skip the gifts. In fact, obsessing too much over the right gift just takes the focus off the whole point, anyway. But, if you’re the gifty type, a well-chosen trinket or two isn’t out of bounds here, either.

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