Easy, Healthy Valentine’s Day Treats and Snacks

Valentine’s Day recipes are all about decadence, right? But that doesn’t mean they have to be totally unhealthy! A few whole grains here, a little less fat there … maybe a bit of extra fruit ...

and suddenly these healthy Valentine snacks and treats are both more nutritious and also a totally delicious way to say “I love you!”

4-Ingredient  (No Butter!) Chocolate Fudge with Coconut

3-Ingredient “Chocolate-Covered Strawberry” Frozen Greek Yogurt Bites

3-Ingredient Chocolate Lava Dip

Heart-Themed Fruit Kabobs and DIY Fruit Bouquets

Surprisingly Decadent Brownies (Healthy, Whole Wheat & One Bowl!)

Classic Strawberry-Banana Smoothie

Healthy Double-Chocolate Muffins with Fresh Strawberries

Swipe Up to See All Easy, Healthy Valentine’s Day Treats and Snacks