14 Easy Crafts and Gifts for Cooks and Bakers 

(DIY Gifts for Foodies Week)

Looking for a creative, truly special gift idea for someone who loves to cook?  Or maybe you’re a room mom in charge of the class gift?  We’ve been there, and we have lots of great ideas to help! 

These ideas are wonderful for DIY bridal shower gifts, hostess gifts and holiday gift giving, too! Just perfect for all the cooks, bakers and foodies in your life! 

This is one of Gretchen’s all-time favorite bridal shower gifts. Loaded with kitchen utensils and gadgets, it’s the perfect idea for a new bride who’s just starting out.

~ Super-Easy Gift Basket for Cooks and Bakers ~

Apron in a Jar

Family Recipe Shadowbox Frame

Handprint Aprons

Kitchen in a Mitten

Monogrammed Dish Towels and Kitchen Gift Basket

DIY Fabric-Covered Wooden Spoons

Swipe Up to See All The 14 Easy Crafts and Gifts for Cooks and Bakers 

(DIY Gifts for Foodies Week)