The Best Kale and Quinoa Tabouli Salad

All the bright flavors you expect in a Tabouli Salad, plus super-healthy kale and gluten-free quinoa! Makes a big batch that keeps well for several days – great for meal prep and make-ahead lunches!


– uncooked red quinoa – kale – fresh flat-leaf (Italian) parsley – tomato – sweet onion – fresh mint

So How’s This Tabouli Salad the Same as Regular Tabouli?

Primarily, the flavor. Fresh parsley and bright lemon, juicy tomatoes and spicy-sweet onions. This tastes like … well … like tabouli.

How’s This Tabouli Salad Different from Regular Tabouli?

First off, because we’ve swapped in quinoa instead of the more traditional bulgur wheat, this tabouli is gluten free.

And quinoa boasts loads of protein, too, so it combines perfectly with all the great fiber in this recipe to offer a terrific, keep-you-full combination of nutrients.

It’s rich in vitamins A, C and K, plus oodles of polyphenols and phytochemicals. Kale’s a “superfood” darling for a reason!

Swipe up for full recipe.