How to Hard-Cook Eggs

With Easter just around the corner, we know lots of you will soon be hard-cooking eggs to color for the Easter Bunny. (And that rascally rabbit always does such a good job hiding those eggs!)

But what’s the best method to achieve perfectly cooked eggs?

Let’s avoid rubbery, overcooked, dry eggs, shall we?

Immediately placing the eggs into an ice bath is crucial in stopping the cooking process. You will likely notice the ice has melted when the 10 minutes are up!

This is the difference of turning off the heat when the water is just simmering versus when the water actually comes to a boil. The eggs on the right were brought to a slow boil and are perfectly cooked all the way through. The eggs on the left, which only came to a simmer before being removed from the heat, are technically cooked and safe to eat, but the yolks were quite soft and slightly wet in the center.