Galentine’s Day (What Is It? + How to Celebrate in Style!)

Galentine’s Day is possibly the best holiday anyone has invented in a long, long time. So just what IS Galentine’s Day? We’ve got the scoop, plus loads of Galentine’s Day ideas for how to celebrate, what to eat, Galentine’s gifts (totally optional BTW) … and more!

What Is Galentine’s Day? Galentine’s Day celebrates gals and their besties – those friendships that have stood the test of time, through thick and thin, through boyfriends and husbands, through the good days and the bad. It’s not about romance – it’s about friendship.

When Is Galentine’s Day? Galentine’s Day falls on February 13. Right before Valentine’s Day (that other holiday for celebrating people we love best).

Parks and Rec Galentine’s Day (How It All Began) Galentine’s Day is the wonderful invention of a completely fictional TV character – Leslie Knope on Parks and Rec (played by Amy Poehler).