Best Recipes of 2020 (10 Quick and Easy Fan Favorites)

It feels kind of weird to use “Best” and 2020 in the same sentence. So much about last year was completely not the best. But, 2020 actually was also a year when more and more people found joy in cooking together at home. That’s a win. And it was definitely a year when we all focused more than ever on being healthy … including eating more healthfully. Another win.

Family-Favorite Instant Pot Sweet Potato Soup

Vintage Recipe for Easy Bread

LOADED Baked Buffalo Cauliflower Wings

Easy Corn Salsa (or Salad)

There’s an awful lot about 2020 that we just want to forget. But these recipes, and the joy we once again discovered in cooking – well, that’s all something that is definitely worth remembering! We’ll take that with us into 2021 … with gleeful anticipation of more delicious new recipes to come …