21 Easy Air Fryer Egg Recipes

Air Fryer Egg Recipes are ideal for quick, easy, healthy breakfasts.

Choose from all the classics like hard boiled, fried, poached, and even scrambled or venture into air fried egg bites, quiche, omelets or French toast.

Air Fryer Hard Boiled Eggs from makeitskinnyplease.com

Hard boiled eggs don't actually need to be boiled at all! Cooking them in the air fryer before plunging them in an ice bath is easy and fast, with no mess or watching the stove top.

Air Fryer Jammy Eggs from www.foodbanjo.com

"Jammy Eggs" fall in between hard boiled and soft boiled eggs. They're not completely liquid-y in the middle, but the egg yolks are also not completely, fully set.

Air Fryer Soft Boiled Eggs from herbsandflour.com

If you love a dip-able soft boiled egg with your breakfast, this easy method is for you. This recipe offers cooking time options for other levels of doneness.

Scrambled Eggs In the Air Fryer from www.foodlovinfamily.com

It’s actually possible to get creamy, fluffy scrambled eggs from your air fryer, too. The key is to cook them in low heat, and only for a few minutes.

Air Fryer Fried Eggs from summeryule.com

This simple recipe uses mini pie tins or ramekins to make air fried eggs, any way you like 'em: sunny side up, over easy, over medium, or over hard.

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