What is Freekeh?


Freekeh  is an ancient grain, freekeh is essentially wheat that has been harvested early, while the grains are still tender and green. 

Freekeh is high in vitamins and minerals, and in both fiber and protein. In fact, freekeh has notably more fiber than brown rice and even quinoa!

Freekeh also has been shown to contain resistant starch, which further enhances that feeling of fullness and satiety.  

Early studies also suggest that freekeh has prebiotic properties that may promote digestive health. 

Combine the freekeh with water  in a saucepan, bring it to a boil, then cover it and allow it to simmer. 

How to Cook Freekeh

Whole freekeh will need to cook for about 35-45 minutes, whereas cracked freekeh will need only about 10-25 minutes  


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