How to Make Fruit Kabobs and DIY Fruit Bouquets

A quick, easy way to make stunning fruit bouquets or cute fruit kabobs for fun, healthy snacks! Even easier yet? A few simple fruit flowers or other pretty cut-out shapes will make any fruit platter special!

What You’ll Need

– A few of those bamboo kabob skewers. – Some cookie cutters in fun shapes like stars and flowers. – And a small vase, or something like an apple, to serve as a base. – A wide variety of vibrantly colorful fruit! 

How to Assemble Your Fruit Kabobs

SUPER-EASY, FASTEST OPTION The easiest-ever fruit kabobs don’t actually require any cookie cutters at all. Just thread a variety of fruit onto the skewers. You can use whole berries or chop things like melons, peaches and bananas into chunks.


For a little extra panache, cut your melon into slices, just slightly thinner than the depth of your cookie cutters. The goal is to make sure your cutters will easily be able to cut all the way through the melon.


We recommend that the bottom fruit on each skewer be something sturdy, like a grape or a dense piece of cantaloupe or honeydew. This will help to prevent the entire stack of fruit from slowly sliding its way down.

Turning Your Kabobs Into a Stunning DIY Fruit Bouquet!

Once you’ve mastered making fruit kabobs, you’ve practically already got your own gorgeous, edible fruit bouquet finished, too. You basically just have to decide what base/container you’re going to use to arrange and display your kabobs.

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